The following is a comprehensive and complete list of sources used to compile database
Use of Force Data Tables: This data consists of incidents by force category and subject injuries and was compiled primarily from Threat, Resistance and Injury (T.R.I.) Incident Worksheets and Investigative Supervisor's Assessment Reports (I.S.A.R.). Updated on a quarterly basis. Last updated in May 2020. Data used is compiled from 2016 4Q - 2019 4Q. ​
NYPD Arrest Data (Historic): This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD from 10/21/2014 to 12/31/2017. This data is manually extracted every quarter and reviewed by the Office of Management Analysis and Planning. Each record represents an arrest effected in NYC by the NYPD and includes information about the type of crime, the location and time of enforcement. In addition, information related to suspect demographics is also included. This data can be used by the public to explore the nature of police enforcement activity. Last updated on May 5, 2020. (999.9K rows, 6 columns*)
NYPD Arrest Data (2019): This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC from 1/1/2019 until 12/31/2020. (215K rows, 6 columns*)
NYPD Arrest Data (Year to Date): This is a breakdown of every arrest effected in NYC from 1/1/2020 until 3/31/2020. (44.8K rows, 18 columns*​)
Population FactFinder: New York City Population FactFinder (NYC PFF) provides detailed population and housing profiles for user defined areas within New York City. Using data from decennial censuses and the American Community Survey, the profiles are comprehensive, covering the most basic population statistics, along with detailed social, economic, and housing information.
CCRB Individual Officer Misconduct Complaints since 1994
(Coming Soon) Local Newspaper Reports: sourcing newspaper articles using natural language processing to compare the results to release NYPD data.